What to expect in this course


This course is designed to talk and walk you through the steps to get your business to the next level.

Andy and Louise are here to take you through the process. They're also here to ask you tough questions about yourself and your business. Some may be a little confronting, but they're necessary to get you to a place where you're 100% happy with the way forward.

For some participants of this course, the questions and process may lead to small tweaks and course corrections. For others, it may lead to full-blown reinvention.

Either way, we'll be here for you at every step along the way. As will your peers. Make sure to take every opportunity to ask questions along the way and get opinions and ideas from others. Running a business can be a lonely journey at times, so it's a good idea to take advantage of the sounding board you have available here.

Say hello below in the comments and share what you're hoping to achieve over the next few months.

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